Millers and Residents
Since 1738
Resident and miller
The mills of Kinderdijk have been inhabited by millers and their families since they have been built in 1738/1740. The millers used to work for the Waterschap and lived where they worked. The mills functioned as tools, machines, and service housing. The mill residents shaped the area. They managed the embankments, reed and willow culture, as well as small-scale farming and fishing. Their estates were a reflection of their life and their side businesses.
In the early fifties of the last century, the windmills were put out of service and obtained the status of backup pumps (through the law “Wet Bescherming Waterstaatswerken in Oorlogstijd, BWO”). Because the windmills were no longer in service, several of the original residents left, especially on the “Overwaard”. There, the end of service led to grave emotions amongst the discharged millers.
Nowadays, mill residents are volunteers with much love and passion for our windmills and the area. Even in the present day, the area is home to several residents that are part of some of the eldest miller families of the Netherlands. This is where millers learnt the profession from their fathers, from their grandfathers. Where the generations to come will also live and work. Millers and their families are bound to the windmill area inseparably. They are a significant part of the heritage value and authenticity of World Heritage Kinderdijk.
“Parties have agreed that the current mills that are inhabited should continue to bear their accommodative function (…)
The “Lage Molen” is deemed to be inhabited so that a total of 16 windmills will remain inhabited”
Residents covenant 2017
Mill residents of past and present
Twenty windmills
Over 200 families
(Click on the coloured names for more information.)
Familie A. Adriaanse, Sixth Overwaard (1958-1995) •
Familie A. Boele, Blokweer (1865-1885) •
Familie F. Boele, Lage Molen (1939-1944) •
Familie J. Boele, Eighth Overwaard (1927-1957) •
Familie C. den Boer, Third Overwaard (1970-present) •
Familie E. den Boer, Second Overwaard (1946-1950) •
Familie P. Breedveld, Fourth Overwaard (unknown) •
Familie A. de Bruijn, Seventh Overwaard (1867-1901) •
Familie C. Groenendijk, Second Nederwaard (1955-1956) •
Familie P. de Haan, Lage Molen (1763-1764) •
Familie K. van den Heuvel, Hooge Molen (1854-1899) •
Familie A. Hoek, Fifth Nederwaard (1990-present) •
Familie C. Hoek, Fifth Nederwaard (1895-1929) •
Familie D. Hoek, Oude Molen Third Overwaard (1944-1953) •
Familie G. Hoek, Seventh Overwaard (1940-2001) •
Familie J.D. Hoek, Fifth Nederwaard (1744-1759) •
Familie J. Hoek, Fourth Nederwaard (1976-1999) •
Familie C. Hoek, Eighth Nederwaard (1890-1942) •
Familie J. Hoek, Fourth Nederwaard (2000-present) •
Familie A. Hoek, Seventh Nederwaard (1976-2009) •
Familie K. Hoek, Sixth Nederwaard (1991-2019) •
Familie M. Hoek, Hooge Molen (1939-1948) •
Familie P.W. Hoek, Blokweer (1939-1985) •
Familie J. Van Hofwegen, Second Nederwaard, (1867-1912) •
Familie w. Hofwegen, Second Nederwaard, (1912-1914) •
Familie J. Van Hofwegen Blokweer (1890-1939) •
Familie H. de Jong, First Overwaard (1958-present) •
Familie J. de Jong, Hooge Molen (1899-1939) •
Familie P.P. Klapwijk, Hooge Molen (2012-present) •
Familie W. Kwakernaak, Fifth Overwaard (1922-1946) •
Familie A. Mol, Eighth Overwaard (1976-present) •
Familie A. Noorlander, Sixth Overwaard (2012-present) •
Familie C. Noorlander, Hooge Molen (1966-1978) •
Familie J. Ottevanger, Fifth Overwaard (1946-1949) •
Familie L. Ottevanger, Lage Molen (1902-1939) •
Familie B. den Ouden, First Nederwaard (2007-present) •
Familie J. Pot, First Nederwaard (1740-1777) •
Familie G.J. Rozendaal, Seventh Nederwaard (2010-present) •
Familie A. Stam, Hooge Molen (1978-2009) •
Familie C. Van den Berg, Third Nederwaard (1981-present) •
Familie K. Van der Graaf, Lage Molen (2021-present) •
Familie L. van Rijnsbergen, Fourth Nederwaard (1903-1929) •
Familie C. Van Vliet, Second Overwaard (1893-1923) •
Familie H. Van Vliet, Second Overwaard (1923-1945) •
Familie J. Verhaar, Lage Molen (1970-2013) •
Familie R. Verkerk, Sixth Overwaard (1996-2012) •
Familie A. de Vries, Eighth Nederwaard (1955-2009) •
Familie J. de Vries, Fifth Overwaard (1967-present) •
Familie J. de Vries, Eighth Nederwaard (2011-present) •
Familie J.C. de Vries, First Nederwaard (1963-2006) •
Familie T. de Vries, Fourth Overwaard (1940-unknown) •
Familie W. de Vries, Blokweer (1885-1890) •
Familie W. Wensveen, Second Overwaard (1958-2003) •
Familie E. Wensveen, Second Overwaard (2003-present) •
Familie A. Wisse, Seventh Overwaard (2002-present) •
Familie E. Wensveen
The Wensveen family at the Second Overwaard, together with their dogs and the Hackensaw Boys in May 2012.
f.l.t.r. Back row: Ward Harrison, Brian Gorby, Kirsten Wensveen, Thomas Olivier and Ferd Moyse.
Front row: Ben Townsend, Sidney, Benjamin Jacobs, Rover, Ed Wensveen and David Sickmen.
Familie C. Hoek
Miller Kees Hoek, nicknamed Grote Kees, at the Eighth Nederwaard. Next to the baking house of the mill. From left to right: Housekeeper of one of the mills, daughter Hoek, daughter Sijgje de Beeld-Hoek, Marinus de Beeld, Grote Kees, unknown, daughter Hoek and husband, daughter Maartje Hoek. Maartje was single, she helped her father turning the windmill.